
Europages - Europages

EUROPAGES is the international B2B sourcing platform to promote companies products and services and search for business partners in Europe and worldwide. EUROPAGES has been actively contributing to the development of businesses since 1982.

All information about the EUROPAGES is available on europages.com.


EUROPAGES makes your business visible at the global market:

  • EUROPAGES is the B2B sourcing platform i.e. the platform’s technology, audience and keywords are B2B-specific.
  • EUROPAGES represents more than 3,000,000 manufacturers, suppliers and distributors worldwide, 78% of which are European.
  • EUROPAGES gives clients opportunity to present their business globally to potential buyers in their native language. The information about the products and services of the EUROPAGES‘s client company is published in 15 languages (including all popular European languages, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, and others).
  • EUROPAGES is Google Premier Partner in B2B sector, which enables EUROPAGES clients to hit the top search results on Google in various buyer’s language.
Advantages of working with EUROPAGES

Advantages of working with EUROPAGES:

  • Direct access to the global B2B market
  • Sales growth and attracting quality customers
  • Your company will be presented in high-margin European and global markets
  • With the EUROPAGES, your company gets to the top of Google search results in the buyer’s language
  • High efficiency of investments

All the above mentioned make EUROPAGES the most advanced e-commerce platform in B2B market.

GRAND GECTOR is the exclusive distributor of EUROPAGES and WLW platforms for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

We give export companies the opportunity to be published at EUROPAGES to find international partners and promote their business. Our company provides comprehensive support in the process of publishing and during all the period of subscription with EUROPAGES.


Contact us and get your account with EUROPAGES so your potential international customers could  get to know you; and we will do our best to maximize your success for every year of our cooperation.